Dinero para su pequeño negocio: Cómo prepararse para obtener préstamos de la SBA

La Agencia Federal de Pequeños Negocios de Estados Unidos (SBA, por sus siglas en inglés) ayuda a los propietarios y emprendedores de pequeñas empresas a lograr el sueño Americano. Como único recurso de información confiable y voz de las pequeñas empresas, la SBA proporciona orientación y capital para que los […]

Let’s Fix Your Website– Live Audits and Tweaking

There are 400 million active websites out there, and thousands of new ones are created every day. Ensuring your website is functional and SEO ready is critical to your success. Even the most basic website issues can hurt your traffic and sales. In this Webinar, we’re going to look at […]

Social Media Marketing Tactics

Are you frustrated with your social media strategy and the lack of customer interaction? Are you considering adding a new platform but not sure which one? Do you wonder if your campaigns are really working? If yes, then this webinar is for you.  Join us as we discuss the current […]

Financing your Business

Don’t miss this exclusive webinar on funding foundations for your business. There are several different ways for a business to access capital, and we will cover all traditional and non-traditional lending platforms that exist and how to apply them to each unique business situation. If you have been turned down […]

The Ethical Sales Funnel: Turning a Lead into a Customer

Marketing funnels are a useful tool to visualize the path customers/clients take from first finding out about your brand/product/service to conversion. Understanding this provides useful insight into why some leads convert – and some don’t. This webinar is for anyone selling a product or service whether pre-venture or an established […]

Doing Business with SMUD (Part 1)

Are you interested in contracting with SMUD and our customers? It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to provide products or services to SMUD or you want to increase your offerings to SMUD customers, SMUD makes it easy for you to work with them.Join us to learn more about contract opportunities […]

1 Million Cups: Power Moms Tribe

This week on 1 Million Cups Chico we will be featuring Emma Akua Mantey from The Power Moms Tribe. The Power Moms Tribe is a network of mothers who have come together to become economically empowered. Their purpose is to help empower mothers in West Africa, to become economically independent. […]

Doing Business w/ SMUD (part 2)

Are you interested in contracting with SMUD and our customers? Did you know that SMUD offers multiple procurement opportunities to Small Business Owners? Join us as we take a walk through SMUD procurement platform and learn how to set up an account and search for opportunities. The information provided in […]

Comenzando su Negocio: Licencias y Permisos (Spanish Webinar)

Durante esta sesión los participantes aprenderán cuales son las licencias y permisos de ventas necesarios para establecer el negocio y operar legalmente. Habrá tiempo para hacer sus preguntas basadas en la industria y naturaleza de su negocio.

4th Annual Virtual Broadband Summit

The North State Planning and Development Collective at California State University, Chico invites you to attend its 4th Annual Virtual Broadband Summit! Access to reliable broadband is critical to the way we live, work and do business. Join regional, state and federal leaders in broadband to learn more about the initiatives, policies […]


Small / Startup Business Insurance: What You Need and What You Don’t

Entrepreneurs and small business owners need to know some things about a lot of things. One of the challenges every startup and young business encounters is the questions surrounding insurance: what kinds of insurance coverage are needed? How does a small business owner evaluate insurance products and compare those with […]

Gestión financiera para su negocio

Don’t miss this exclusive webinar on understanding your financials for your business. For many entrepreneurs, understanding the numbers is one of the more challenging parts of the small business journey. This webinar is designed to help startup and existing entrepreneurs understand the most important aspects of financial management for small […]
