Supplier Diversity Symposium 

The 2024 California Supplier Diversity Symposium is set for March 14 in West Sacramento, CA. Registration will open soon, and we want to make sure you're on the list! Complete this form to pre-register and save your spot.


Transportation Procurement Training Series

Did you know that transportation agencies purchase (or “procure”) goods and services from small businesses in industries ranging from engineering and technology to textile manufacturing and janitorial services? If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, join our comprehensive Transportation Procurement series to learn how you can […]


Grant Writing 101 – How to Create a Grant Proposal

Congratulations, you've found a grant opportunity! However, the challenge doesn't end there. Applying for a grant involves the art of "grant writing," a task that can be just as challenging as finding the grant itself. In this webinar, we'll teach you the grant writing skills you'll need to craft compelling […]
