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Making the Leap to Entrepreneurship – Is the Right Time Now?

agosto 3, 2021 @ 13:00 2:00 pm

Steve Jobs did it. Jeff Bezos did it. Sara Blakely did it. We wouldn’t have Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Nike, Instagram, Pinterest, 23&Me, Starbucks, or Red Bull if aspiring entrepreneurs hadn’t left their nine-to-five to chase a dream. Nearly every successful entrepreneur, famous and non-famous, had to quit a job at some point to make it.

You don’t have to build something huge or take a crazy risk to be a successful quit-to-starter. Today, it is more accessible than ever to be an entrepreneur or solopreneur.

But should you make the leap – and when? Can really anyone do it – and should they? What is it they don’t tell you? How do you know you’ve got the right idea, the right plan, and the right timing to make it stick?

Startup Enthusiast, Professor of Entrepreneurship, and Author of Quit to Start Allen Clary will cover all of the major ‘types’ of startups from software/tech, to physical products, to services, and all points in between – and which ones are ‘structurally’ able to deliver on wealth and freedom one day, some much more than others.

You’ll learn about:

  • A simple to understand ‘Startup Gameboard’ that breaks down all the major types of entrepreneurship by degree of difficulty, experience required, and money needed
  • Type A and Type B entrepreneurs but also the lesser known, more equipped to be successful, ‘Type C’ entrepreneur
  • The ‘Quit Zone’ that describes the formula for when is the right time to make your move
  • The dangers of ‘Confirmation Bias’ and the emotional ‘Quit Triggers’ to avoid